Friday 30 December 2016

Project 1: Research Findings: Curative Service

For this project, we are group into 4 and were given a topic to be part of our curative service research.

We are lucky enough to be able to get Native as our topic as we get to explore different type of native
curative service and understand how each native brings out the curative service to their clients. We had
some discussion and we finally decided to focus on both Traditional Thai and Chinese Curative Services.
Besides that doing research online, we also went to some of the centre in KL that provide both Traditional
Thai and Chinese Curative Services so we can get to have a better understanding on this issues.
Butterpaper Research: 

Traditional Thai Curative Service Research

Environment of Traditional Thai Curative Service Centre
Traditional Thai Massage
Traditional Thai Massage Step by Step
Traditional Thai Foot Massage
Traditional Thai Aromatherapy Massage

Traditional Chinese Curative Service Research

Environment of Traditional Chinese Curative Service Centre
Traditional Chinese Foot Massage

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture Step by Step 
Traditional Chinese Massage (Tui Na)
Traditional Chinese Cupping Therapy

Print Screen of Video Scene: 

Print Screen 1
Print Screen 2
Print Screen 3
Print Screen 4
Print Screen 5
Print Screen 6
Print Screen 7
Print Screen 8
Print Screen 9
Print Screen 10
Video Presentation link:

Reference link:




Project 2a: Promotional Kiosk

For this project, we were asked to create a new brand for our curative service or either rebranding an
available brand in the market. The brand that we chosen for this project is called Origins, a US brand
which promotes products formulated from the best of nature. Besides that, we are also required to
design a promotional kiosk, Logos of the brand, CIS products, brochure and a model for this project.

History of Origins:

In the late 80s, Origins stood out among a culture of excess with our minimal approach to beauty. We

harnessed the power of plants to create high performance skincare. Origins products are always
formulated with the best of Nature, sourced from sustainable regions. And they are manufactured using
a combination of renewable resources, wind energy and earth-friendly practices.

Now, we are happy to announce that we have a new project up coming. We are launching a new series of
products called Sensory. It is a new series of Origins products which focus on the sensation of relax, relieve
and calming. It is in combination with our new up coming Native Healing Therapy Centre called Origins Spa
& Boutique. We will be expanding our project mainly in Malaysia as our start up point in Asia with the focus
of Chinese Healing Therapy Centre and Thai Healing Therapy Centre. We are delighted to broke the news
to all of you and we welcome you to come and experience it.

Logos for Origins Spas & Boutique:

Brand Logos Design & Product Logos Designs for Origins
Butter paper of Promotional Kiosk Research:
Space Requirement for Promotional Kiosk

Draft for Promotional Kiosk 1

Draft for Promotional Kiosk 2

Draft for Promotional Kiosk 3
Draft for Promotional Kiosk 4

Draft for Promotional Kiosk 5

Model of Origins Promotional Kiosk:
Origins Promotional Kiosk Design Concept: Yin & Yang
Final Sketch of Origins Promotional Kiosk 
Model for Origins Promotional Kiosk

CIS Products for Origins:

CIS Products for Origins

Presentation Board (A1 size):

Presentation Board
Presentation Slide Link:

Padlet Link:

Project 2b: Site Analysis
For this project, I was in charge of the opportunity of the site location - The Greyhouse, Bangsar, but

was assigned into the modelling group after the site visit. We are required to build the site model in
scale in order to let everyone understand the site better. I was involve in building the Ground Floor
Level of the building.
Model of the Site, The Greyhouse, Bangsar

Slide Presentation for SWOT Analysis (Group Projects):

Final Project : Curative Retreat
For the final project, we are asked to design a presentation board that combines all the research and

previous project that we have done. Besides that, we are also asked to produce 3D for the respective
curative retreat centre which mine is the Origins Spas & Boutique, plans, sections, photomontage and etc.

3D Rendering for Origins Spas & Boutique:
Entrance view
Reception view

Consultation area
Waiting area

2 People treatment room

Foot reflexology area

Single treatment room
Outdoor treatment area
A0 Presentation Board (old):

A0 Presentation Board (Resubmission):

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